In the Press
Read about our use of ethanol-free gas in the local news:
Pine Creek Journal
Tribune-Review Local Section
Ethanol-free gasoline is ideal for lawnmowers, chainsaws, power equipment, recreational vehicles, boats and other machinery. Some people even like the way their car runs, and the extra mileage they get, when using EZer0 89 fuel.
You won’t find ethanol-free gas at the big oil company gas stations, but as an independent owner, Rudolph Auto Repair can sell EZer0 89. Try it! You see the difference for yourself, and with ethanol-free gas, you’ll save on repair bills.
Why choose EZer0 89?
Rudolph Auto Repair is one of a handful of stations in Western Pennsylvania selling EZer0 89 gasoline and one of only two stations in Pittsburgh’s North Hills.
“It’s better for lawnmowers and small engines, but it’s also also better for boats, wave runners, jet skis and snowmobiles basically any kind of recreational vehicle”, said Chris Rudolph the lead mechanic at Rudolph Auto Repair.
Mechanics who repair lawnmowers, chainsaws and trimmers say ethanol can cause real damage to the small engines in outdoor power equipment.
E10, which refers to the 10 percent ethanol content in most gasoline, can cause rust and carbon deposits inside the engine and can dissolve plastic and rubber parts, resulting in much more damage than normal wear and tear.
When gasoline alone is left in the fuel tank too long it can gum up the carburetor, but when ethanol is added to gas, as it is in summer fuel blends, it can lock up carburetor parts that are supposed to run freely.
To make matters worse, the Environmental Protection Agency has approved E15 (15 percent ethanol) gasoline for newer cars. If you accidentally put E15 in power equipment, the ethanol could ruin the engine and void the manufacturer’s warranty.
Fortunately, ethanol-free gasoline is available and will help power equipment last longer. It costs a little bit more, but it’s well worth it when you consider how much you will save in repair bills that can easily cost hundreds of dollars.